Healthway’s A/Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Jeremy Hubble showed off his pitching skills at Saturday night’s Perth Heat game whilst sporting their special edition jersey, designed by a fan-based competition winner Chris Pavlesic from Sydney.
Through Perth Heat and Healthway’s partnership fans from across the country are invited to design a special edition jersey that players wear for one game in the Alcohol. Think Again round.
This year’s entries were inspired to create designs that reflect the healthy choices they make to perform at their best both on and off the field.
Chris said his jersey design draws inspiration from sunlight – with the orange circle representing the sun.
“Levels of anxiety and stress are reduced by being outdoors,” he said.
“Getting fresh air is a simple way to improve your mood and mental wellbeing.”
Healthway and Perth Heat have a successful history of partnering together to drive positive behaviour change and over the next two years, will continue to inspire the baseball community to lead healthy lifestyles.
Healthway A/CEO Jeremy Hubble said the partnership aimed to generate a greater understanding of the Alcohol. Think Again message.
“Healthway and Perth Heat work together to create sporting environments that educate and create awareness about good health to support healthy choices,” he said.
“Through staff and player ambassadors, we hope to increase the knowledge and skills of clubs and wider baseball community of the risks associated with drinking alcohol.”
Perth Heat CEO Brett Patten said the partnership would focus on providing educational activities, such as the Alcohol. Think Again round.
“There will be a focus on training coaches and players to deliver a range of activities within the community that teaches them how to make healthy choices,” he said.