Public Interest Disclosure Guideline

Public Interest Disclosure

Lotterywest and Healthway are committed to a culture of honesty, openness and fairness. Integrity is of the highest importance to both entities as we manage significant government and public money, commercial agreements and discretionary grants. We are committed to maintaining public confidence in our organisations and we do not tolerate corrupt or improper conduct. We encourage people to speak up about wrongdoing and we are committed to making sure people feel confident to do so.

The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003 (PID Act):

  • Facilitates the disclosure of public interest information.
  • Provides protection for those making such disclosures and those who are the subject of disclosures.
  • Provides a system for the matters disclosed to be investigated and for appropriate action to be taken.

Under the PID Act, any person can make a Public Interest Disclosure (PID) where they have information that demonstrates past, present or proposed future improper conduct by a public body in the exercise of public functions. We strongly encourage you to make a PID where you identify wrongdoing relating to Lotterywest or Healthway, or our employees, Board members or contractors.

A PID is more than a general complaint or expression of dissatisfaction with a service or decision of Lotterywest or Healthway. A PID must show that either Lotterywest or Healthway, or our one of our employees, Board members or contractors, has been or will be involved in wrongdoing including:

  • Improper conduct
  • An offence under State law
  • Substantial unauthorised or irregular use of or substantial mismanagement of, public resources
  • Conduct involving a substantial and specific risk of injury to public health, prejudice to public safety or harm to the environment
  • Conduct relating to matters of administration affecting someone in their personal capacity falling within the jurisdiction of the Ombudsman

We recommend you seek advice before making a PID by:


Our PID Officer will speak with you before you make your disclosure. They will outline:

  • Your rights and responsibilities under the PID Act and the protections that will apply to you
  • Whether the information is likely to be covered by the PID Act
  • How they will manage your disclosure.

If you wish to make a PID you are encouraged to report them on the Public Interest Disclosure Lodgement form and either email it to one of our PID Officers or forward it in a sealed envelope to:

Strictly confidential

PID Officer


Locked Bag 66

Subiaco WA 6904


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