Research project to address cultural gap

Nearly $200,000 has been awarded to The University of Western Australia for a research project that will develop a tool to more effectively measure mental health and wellbeing in the Aboriginal community of Mullewa. The research project called Tharlbarra Maga: Developing a Strong Head, Strong Mind Measure received funding from Healthway’s 2023 Targeted Research Round, …

Healthway’s new Executive Director

Carina Tan-Van Baren, Healthway’s new Executive Director Healthway’s Chief Executive Officer, Colin Smith today announced Carina Tan-Van Baren as the new Executive Director of Healthway. Carina has more than 30 years of experience as a lawyer, journalist, communications strategist, government advisor, and commercial executive and will be commencing in her new role on Monday 14 …

Women in Public Health: experiences, challenges and opportunities ahead

The Hon. Amber Jade-Sanderson MLA with panel chair Miriam Borthwick and panel members Andrea Creado, Saira Rind, Grace Stanton and Gemma Crawford Miriam Borthwick led a panel disussion on experiences, challenges and opportunites ahead Joanne Graham-Smith, Miriam Borthwick, Karen Brown and Colin Smith Healthway in partnership with the WA branches of the Australian Health Promotion …

New app function bridges the gap

The Kids Research Institute Australia’s parenting app has received a funding boost of $417,000 from Healthway to develop mental health content that will support a child’s development in the early years. The Bright Tomorrows app, which helps families access resources to support the health, development and learning of 0-5-year-old children, will also highlight the integral …

Funding supports healthy changes in schools

Congratulations to the 40 schools that received funding through our Healthy Schools Program. Nearly $170,000 in Healthy Schools funding will be provided to the schools below for projects that will support the health and wellbeing of students and the school community, such as mindfulness and meditation programs, growing and harvesting edible gardens, promoting riding or …

A bespoke performance

Picture: CircusWA participant practices circus skills CircusWA’s latest performance premiered in July after more than 18 months in the making. Participants in CircusWA’s, Circus? You can! program, designed specifically for children and young people living with disability, were given the opportunity to work with the company’s Academy performers to create a new production. B’Spoke celebrates the …

Researching support needs for dads with children in preterm care

Image courtesy The West Australian. The mental health and wellbeing of new fathers whose children end up in neonatal intensive care is the focus of a new project to be led by Telethon Kids Institute researchers, thanks to a $388,000 grant from Healthway. The research project will identify ways to help Neonatal Intensive Care Unit …

From little seeds, big things grow

30 April 2024 A six-month nutrition and gardening pilot program in South Guildford has grown due to its success in promoting healthy behaviours in people recovering from mental illness. Casson Homes received $5,000 from Healthway towards establishing a community garden and to run bi-weekly nutrition and permaculture sessions for more than 100 of its past …