Healthy Schools Program

Healthway works in partnership with Western Australian schools to build a healthy and more active WA. The Healthy Schools Program aims to support schools to develop projects that promote the health of students through activities aligned with the Health Promoting Schools Framework. To find out more about eligibility requirements, the assessment process, and to apply visit …

Physical Activity Innovation Challenge Project

The Physical Activity Innovation Challenge Project (Innovation Project) aims to increase physical activity levels of inactive adolescents and young adults aged 15-20 years in WA. Local government associations, incorporated sporting organisations, and community organisations can apply for grants of up to $100,000. Read the Minister’s media statement here. This funding program is currently closed.   WACA’s Daughters …

Enhancing Social and Emotional Wellbeing through the Arts Grant Program

  Enhancing Social and Emotional Wellbeing through the Arts Grant Program is now open. In 2021, a draft resource Social and Emotional Wellbeing through the Arts (SEW-Arts) was piloted with several Healthway funded arts organisations to evaluate its useability. This grant program will assist in trialling the draft SEW-Arts resource more broadly. Invited participants can …

Grants programs refreshed

As part of our 30th anniversary celebrations, we’ve refreshed our grants programs to better align to our vision of creating a healthier WA. We will continue to provide funding for the same great health promotion activities and to the same types of organisations, however, we now offer four separate grants programs: 1) Healthy Partnerships – …

2022 Targeted Research Round – advance notice

Healthway’s 2022 Targeted Research Round is due to open on 29 October 2021. Expressions of Interest for Exploratory and Intervention Research Grants will be due on 28 January 2022. This round will call for research that explores and addresses the impact of harmful industry marketing on children and young people. Harmful industries are defined as industries that produce, sell …

Mental Health Week – #strongertogether

It’s Mental Health Week (10-17 October) in Western Australia, and the theme is Strengthening Our Community – Live, Learn, Work, Play as we aim to increase mental wellbeing in WA communities. There are more than 200 events taking place right across the State including art exhibitions, concerts, campfires, community walks, dancing, sailing and training workshops. To participate, …

Workshop works wonders

Healthway staff L-R: Shane, Sue-Ellen and Laura.  The response from our Sport and Art partners was fantastic with 122 people participating across our four workshops in August and September. For those attending the workshops, there were ideas shared and new partnerships formed to promote and deliver health and wellbeing for the WA community.  Thank you to …

Health Promotion 101 – Training Workshop

We are hosting health promotion training workshops in August and September. The training will provide an overview of health promotion and provide practical tips to assist organisations in applying for funding through Healthway’s Partnership Program. The workshops will include presentations from health experts in the areas of alcohol, tobacco control, obesity prevention and mental health …

WAM Act-Belong-Commit Song of the Year

The West Australia Music (WAM) Song of the Year 2020 virtual awards party was held last night and was a huge success with more than 6000 people watching online. Congratulations to all the local artists who participated and to the winners we celebrate your effort and talent. A full list of the nominees and winners …