Innovation Challenge Program

Funding to boost physical activity

Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) and Healthway will deliver the Innovation Challenge Program in partnership and are looking to support innovative ideas that create physical activity opportunities for inactive young people, girls and women across Western Australia.

A funding pool of $750,000 is available for the development of new concepts or business plans (up to $50,000) or the development and delivery of a pilot program in the WA community (up to $150,000).

What is the focus of the program?

Healthway has chosen two key focus areas:

  1. Create innovative physical activity opportunities for inactive young people (12 to 17 years)
  2. Create innovative physical activity opportunities to engage inactive women and/or girls.

DLGSC has also chosen two focus areas:

  1. Business Innovation — ideas that allow sport and recreation organisations to streamline their business and deliver their activity in an innovative/different way
  2. Using technology to drive and grow sport and recreation.

An innovative approach will be used allowing organisations to pitch their ideas through a face to face or video submission with applicants encouraged to co-design their project with their local community.

Who can apply?

  • Incorporated sporting, recreation, and community organisations and associations
  • Local governments, tertiary institutions, or community-based organisations who partner with sport and active recreation organisations (Healthway only)
  • Companies Limited by Guarantee where the company is wholly owned by a State Sporting Organisation.

Who can’t apply?

  • State government departments or agencies
  • Individuals or private/commercial businesses
  • Professional sporting bodies, elite sporting teams or community sports clubs.

Read through the Innovation Program Guidelines to learn more about your organisation’s eligibility to apply.

When do you need to submit your application?

  • Applications are due by 30 March 2021
  • Applicants will be shortlisted and required to provide a brief 15 min (max) presentation of their concept to the assessment panel
  • Dates for this will be confirmed but are likely to occur around mid-April 2021.

When do the projects need to start and finish by?

  • Projects need to start by 1 July 2021 and by 30 June 2022.

Who can I speak to for more information?

If you would like to speak to someone regarding the Healthway criteria phone 133 777 or email

If you would like to speak to someone regarding the DLGSC criteria phone 9492 9700 or email

For more information and to apply, visit


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