Apply for over $5,000 Healthy Partnerships funding

The aim of the over $5,000 Healthy Partnership funding is to support sport, arts, racing and community groups to create environments that encourage good health now and into the future. 

The guidelines for over $5,000 provide an overview of our funding requirements and the request process. There are separate guidelines when the amount requested is up to $5,000

As part of the request process for over $5,000 funding, you will be required to develop and submit a Health Promotion Plan. This is an opportunity to identify what you think will work best in achieving better health outcomes within your community. Healthway has designed a Best Practice Guide, Health Promotion Plan template, Healthy Partnership toolkit, case studies and instructional videos to assist. Requests must be received through our online application portal at least five (5) calendar months prior to the commencement of the project.  

Please note: From 1 July 2024, we do not generally fund stand-alone community, arts or sporting events.

Funding for events will only be considered where they form part of a broader program of work over a period that involves multiple and repeat engagement with our priority groups, as well as education opportunities that lead to stronger health outcomes.

Please contact us on 133 777 for further information.

Over $5,000 Healthy Partnership Guidelines

Learn More

Over $5,000 Health Promotion Plan template

Learn More

Over $5,000 Best Practice Guide

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Healthy Partnerships toolkit

Learn More

Talk to us about your request

Contact our healthy partnership team who will provide support and advise you on how to apply.

Telephone: 133 777


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