Freedom of information

In accordance with Section 94 of the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) 1992,  we publish an Information Statement which includes the function of Healthway, what type of information is produced during these functions and procedures on how to access this information.

Statement of Strategic Intent

We are a government agency that provides grants to the community to help achieve our vision of a healthy Western Australia. 

Public access to Healthway information

Requests to obtain access to documents can be made through Healthway.

Our aim is to provide information where possible outside the Freedom of Information (FOI) process, but if the information is not routinely available, an FOI Request may be submitted.

Requests made under the FOI Act must:

  1. Be in writing.
  2. Give enough information to enable the requested documents to be identified.
  3. Give an address in Australia to which notices under the Act can be sent. If possible, include your telephone number/email address as this will help to contact you if necessary and assist in your application being dealt with efficiently.
  4. Give any other information or details required under the regulations.
  5. Be lodged at Healthway with any request fee payable under the regulations.

Address FOI request to:

FOI Coordinator, Healthway WA, Locked Bag 66, Subiaco WA 6904


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