Our vision – A healthier Western Australia together
Our goals – To achieve our vision of a healthier WA, Healthway’s Strategic Plan is underpinned by action in Leadership, Advocacy, Partnerships, and Research and Evaluation, to drive system change, health equity, and sustained effort. To achieve this, Healthway will focus on the domains of healthy environments, education and awareness raising, and increasing participation, to facilitate improvements in five priority health areas.
Our purpose – To inspire and empower all Western Australians to live healthy lives. We work across systems to help create healthy environments, motivate behaviour change, and influence policy to reduce and eliminate barriers to good health and wellbeing. Our work focuses on children and young people to help build lifelong healthy habits, as well as Aboriginal people and people living in regional areas, to enable fairer access to activities and services that support good health and social and emotional wellbeing.
To find out more view our Strategic Plan 2024-2029 Creating a healthier Western Australia together.